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Managing, viewing and sharing notifications
10 articles
How do I change the status of a notification on my feed?Changing the status of a notification helps keep your newsfeed fresh and allows other group members to know what actions are required.
How do I share a notification clip externally?Share a notification video clip to an external party securely through a time limited link.
How do I watch footage from a notification?Find out your options for watching footage that generated a notification.
How do I create or edit weekly notification schedules?Weekly schedules allow you to create a repeating set of rules dictating when analytics should trigger notifications for users.
How do I use the search notifications functionality?This filtering system will help you save time when looking for an individual or group of notifications.
What is the purpose of the notification state system?Find out about the benefits of using our notification states.
How do I apply notification schedules?Find out how to set schedules for a device.
What is my notification feed?Find out what benefits are available from your notification view.
How do I change notification states in bulk?If you have received too many notifications, you can quickly change the state of them all at once
How do I change how many notifications a camera is triggering?If you are receiving too many notifications you can quickly change the settings for that camera.