Click the person icon at the top right of the home page:
You will now be on the My settings page. Within the Details box click on the Change password button.
You must now enter your existing password:
Now enter a new password - this must follow the following rules:
Must not be the same as the username.
Must be between 8 and 32 characters long.
Must not have been used within the last 30 days.
Must contain a non-alphanumeric character. Example: #@!
Must contain a number and an uppercase character.
Must not contain a run of more than 2 identical characters.
Must not be based on common words or use common character substitution (e.g. Pa$$w0rd).
Confirm your password again to ensure you have successfully remembered your new password!
(Optional) You can tick Kick all sessions if you want to log out all other open sessions - this is useful if you believe someone else may have used your password.
Click Change to set your new password - this must now be used to login from this point forward.
If you have two-factor authentication enabled changing your password has no effect on this setting or your existing saved 2FA token within your authenticator app.